Contact Info

  • phone201-547-5964
  • Michael DiCiancia, Sr. Forester

    13-15 Linden Ave. East
    Jersey City NJ 07305
  • Directions

Division of Forestry

The Division of Forestry ensures that our city trees are protected and preserved, and that tree work is done with appropriate permits. Forestry monitors trees for disease and removes those that are dead and dying, and prunes limbs that are dead or dying for protection of both our residents and the tree.

The division works with City departments and developers to ensure that the appropriate tree is planted in each location, whether sidewalk, park, playground, or pedestrian walkway.

If you would like to report a problem with a public city tree, or city tree branch removal, please use SeeClickFix.
Forestry Standards
The Forestry Standards is a one stop shop for all things related to trees in Jersey City. In the Standards are the rules and regulations, ordinances, recommended tree species, and anything related to how we interact with our tree canopy in Jersey City.

Read our Forestry Standards HERE
Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted Lanternfly photoThe Hudson Regional Health Commission (HRHC) is currently accepting requests from the public to spray for spotted lanternflies (SLF).

Call the HRHC at 201-223-1133 to make a service request, or for more information please visit:

Spotted Lanternfly (SLF), Lycorma delicatula, is an invasive planthopper native to Asia that was first introduced into Pennsylvania in 2014 and has since spread to the surrounding states of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, New York, Connecticut and Ohio. [1]

Though Tree of Heaven, Ailanthus altissima, is the SLF’s preferred host tree, SLF has a very broad host range and has been recorded feeding on over 70 different plant species, including economically important crops and a variety of tree species. In addition to Ailanthus, SLF has been observed to prefer feeding on a variety of trees common to our area including but not limited to walnut, birch, willow, sumac and in particular, red and silver maples. [2]

While SLF feeding can stress plants and cause localized branch damage, it is not known to directly kill trees other than in the case of extreme infestations on Ailanthus trees and black walnut saplings. While SLF is not known to kill trees, it is a plant stressor that in combination with other stressors (e.g., other insects, diseases, weather, etc.) can cause harm to its host. [3]

Jersey City Forestry will continue to monitor trees for SLF infestation and perform pruning and removal of trees if they pose a safety risk to the public. Ailanthus trees will be removed from public properties whenever possible. The public is encouraged to kill SLF when encountered. Egg masses can be found on any smooth surface such as tree bark, stone, metal, etc., throughout the Fall, Winter and into Spring, and can be scraped into a container and neutralized with alcohol. Circle traps can be built or purchased and used throughout the Summer and Fall to trap nymphs and adults. Sticky traps are discouraged as they can trap beneficial insects and animals, including birds, small mammals, pollinators, butterflies, and more. If you have Tree of Heaven on your property, consider removing the tree fully, including its root system, as it can sprout back if roots are left in the ground. [4]


  1. Spotted Lanternfly (
  2. Spotted Lanternfly Management for Landscape Professionals (
  3. Spotted Lanternfly Management Guide (
  4. JCEC SLF Recommendations
Tree Guards
Tree guard photoTree guards are short fences around the perimeter of a tree bed. They create barrier between a tree and what can be a harsh urban environment.

Tree guards prevent pedestrians from walking on the soil in a tree bed and compacting the soil, preventing nutrients, oxygen and water from seeping into to the tree root.

They can keep car doors from hitting the tree and prevent locking bicycles to the tree using chains, both of which can result in the tree trunk being wounded and getting infected.

Tree guards keep dogs from using trees and tree beds as toilets. Dog waste contains toxins that are very harmful to trees.

By protecting the tree from physical harm, trees live longer. As an added bonus, if someone wants to plant flowers or a ground cover, they have a small protected gardening bed!

Read the Full Report

Tree Protection
Tree protector example photoAs valuable resources that keep our city cool, clean our air and help make our neighborhoods beautiful places to live, trees are something Jersey City takes seriously when it comes to protecting them during construction.

All parts of trees on public property - trunk, root system and canopy - are protected by law from damage during and after construction activities. Please see the Jersey City Tree Protection for all details. View or download HERE.
Trees & Sidewalks
Tree bed before and after photoTree roots can uplift pavement and crack sidewalks, causing a trip hazard. There are many potential methods for dealing with sidewalk uplift and each issue must be addressed on a case by case basis. Property owners are responsible for obtaining a permit from the Division of Forestry and repairing the sidewalk in a way that corrects the hazard while also preserving the tree and avoiding dangerous practices such as cutting structural roots or pouring concrete into the soil.

Read or download Trees and Sidewalks Information.