Division of Affordable Housing

Developer Resources

The Division of Affordable Housing (DOAH) is housed under the Department of Housing, Economic Development, and Commerce as an administrative and compliance body. DOAH oversees affordable housing compliance for private residential developments that have municipally mandated affordable unit requirements in accordance with redevelopment plans and zoning approval stipulations.

Buildings with municipally mandated affordable housing requirements will be referred to the DOAH to begin the compliance process. The file located here has information to help understand the process.

DOAH regulations are governed by the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls (UHAC) of New Jersey, as listed in Chapter 188 (Ordinance 24-049) of the Jersey City Municipal Code. These controls specify the income and unit mix required for municipally mandated affordable housing units, as well as marketing and leasing procedures. UHAC regulations can be found in the Documents link below. 

Developers are required to complete a Developer's Checklist and submit to the DOAH when municipally mandated affordable unit mix requirements are identified in the project. Final unit and income mixes for a project will be memorialized in a binding Affordable Housing Agreement with DOAH. All affordable units in the building will be deed restricted for 30 years, unless otherwise specified. Projects with affordable housing obligations are required to implement an affirmative marketing plan for the project, conduct a lottery, and provide quarterly and yearly reports. 

Developers with site plan applications that were deemed Complete by City Planning before April 14th, 2021 are advised to call our office, as those projects came before the revised version of Chapter 188 went into effect, and are not governed by UHAC. 


Developers working with DOAH will be responsible for completing a Developer's Checklist, affirmatively marketing affordable units to residents, and submitting Quarterly and Yearly reports to DOAH.