Contact Info

  • phone201-547-4888
  • 235 Jersey City Blvd.
    Jersey City NJ 07305
  • Directions


Volunteer! Provide in-kind support! Tell your friends!

Senior man with cat on shoulders photoLove animals but cant adopt one? We know that you want to be part of the change for the better and help the fur-friends in our community. 

If you would like to provide in-kind support, please check the list below. All items should be brought to

Jersey City Division of Animal Care and Control
235 Jersey Blvd.
Jersey City NJ 07304

Drop off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 12PM-4PM

Current Needs:

  • Newspaper - last week's Sunday NY Times, those weekly circulars, any type of newspaper
  • Plastic Bags - ideally those from the circulars. 
  • Shallow cardboard boxes - like those from your order of cat food
  • White rice - not brown, please
  • Peanut butter - with no additives, particularly no sugar substitutes, which are poisonous for dogs. We will add to Kong-type toys and use to enrich dog food.
  • Unopened bags of dry cat or dog food and canned cat or dog food - will be distributed to needy pets in Jersey City
  • Hard chew toys - Kong-type toys. No stuffed animals, please! These present a choking hazard.