Child About to get a shotThe City Clinic provides immunization services to children who reside in Jersey City who are uninsured or who have low insurance coverage. All children must be accompanied by a parent/ legal guardian.

Open Monday - Friday from 8am - 12pm. The last appointment is at 11:30am.

Visits are by appointment only. 
Please call (201) 547-5535

Please email the following documents to [email protected] or [email protected] prior to your appointment:

  • Child’s immunization record in English*
  • Parent or guardian phone number
  • Photo ID and birth certificate of child
  • Parent or guardian photo with proof of Jersey City address (passport or drivers license)

* Immunization records must be in English. If the child’s immunization record is in another language, it must be translated and notarized.


  • City daycare and school immunization record audits
  • Maintains city children immunization database
  • Participates in community-based, Jersey City sponsored activities

What to know: Measles

At the turn of the 21st century, Measles was a disease that was considered eradicated in the United States. Two decades later, the US has recorded 700+ new measles cases in 2019 alone. This is a threat to the health of very young children and immuno-compromised adults. Here are some facts and figures about the measles outbreak and how it's affecting communities in New Jersey:

  • If you've been exposed to the Measles virus, you may be contact by your local Health Department. If this has happened to you, please read this explainer about what "Measles exposure" means and what your risk is.
  • Learn more about Measles and get Measles Alerts from the NJ State Department of Health.
  • For more information about New Jersey's efforts to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, including Measles, please see this resource guide with information for educators and technical professionals. 

Contact Info

  • phone(201) 547-6800
  • City Hall Annex
    One Jackson Square
    Jersey City, NJ 07305

  • Directions