Vision Zero

We are working to make our roads safe for all users (including pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers) through a variety of studies, projects, and initiatives.  Mayor Fulop signed an 
Executive Order committing the City to a "Vision Zero" goal of eliminating traffic-related fatalities by 2026 and establishing a task force to develop an action plan.  Read the press release here

We created a Vision Zero Action Plan in February 2019 to achieve our goal of zero traffic deaths and severe injuries.  To view the crash history in Jersey City from the last decade, visit our Crash View Map

View the Vision Zero Action Plan

Initiatives, Projects, and Actions

JC on the Move Study:
Jersey City experiences one of the highest rates of transit use in the nation, with 47% of the population using public transit to travel to work. Naturally, with more than half of the population walking, cycling or taking transit to work, 38% of households in the City do not own a vehicle. However, the lack of reliable and sufficient transportation options are often cited as the top issue throughout the City. Legacy rail and subway systems are unable to meet Jersey City's growing and changing mobility needs. The City has a complex street grid that lacks adequate connectivity between neighborhoods and the rest of the region, and the limited number of relatively narrow streets that do provide continuous connections are in high demand by those traveling by car, bus, shuttle, bike, mobility device or on foot. 

To address these issues, Jersey City, in association with the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) and Sam Schwartz Consulting, will conduct a yearlong studyto identify and recommend a series of innovative and dynamic transportation modes and technologies that aim to improve connections, fill service gaps and dynamically adjust to demand. 

For more information visit the project page.

St. Pauls Avenue Demonstration Projects:
St. Pauls Avenue between Tonnele Avenue and Kennedy Boulevard currently experiences a disproportionate amount of cut-through traffic due to the 
to the proximity of Route 1&9, Route 139, and the Tonnele Circle interchange. As a part of the City’s efforts to redesign our streets to be safer for all road users, a walk audit was conducted and a Street Safety Action Plan was prepared for the neighborhood. As a result of that effort, a week-long pilot project was installed April 11-18, 2022. The Department of Infrastructure will host a virtual public meeting on June 9, 2022 to review the pilot project and discuss recommendations.

Meeting Flyer 

Montgomery Street Protected Bike Lanes: 
As a part of the City’s efforts to redesign our streets to be safer for all road users and to advance the goals of Jersey City’s Vision Zero initiative and Bike Master Plan, Montgomery Street will be reconfigured to improve traffic safety between Baldwin Avenue and Merseles Street (Phase 1) and Bergen Avenue and Baldwin Avenue (Phase 2).  The purpose of this project is to enhance pedestrian, cyclist, transit rider and driver safety by establishing dedicated space for cyclists that is separated from motor vehicles. This project will create a low-stress bike facility that will be comfortable to ride for new cyclists and prevent vehicles from blocking bike lanes. The existing travel lanes will be reconfigured, the existing supply of on-street parking will remain generally unchanged, and the design will allow personal and emergency vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists to more safely interact at intersections and driveways. View the latest Phase 1 design here and Phase 2 design here. Please use this form to submit questions or leave feedback

Traffic Safety Internal Working Group: 
 We have created an internal working group to ensure progress for the below items.  The working group will also partner with groups such as Bike JC and Safe Streets JC to collaborate with communities across the city. 

Interim Design Strategies: Low-cost temporary materials can often be used to test or pilot more permanent roadway safety solutions. For example, bump outs, like those used adjacent to Berry Lane Park, serve to keep vehicles from parking or driving too close to crosswalks and pedestrian areas, and narrow the distance required for pedestrians to cross a street. After piloting a few ideas throughout the city, we have started implementing these design changes at various locations throughout the City.

Grove Street Protected Bike Lanes: 
In an effort to advance the goals of the Vision Zero initiative and the Citywide Bike Master Plan, Grove Street is being reconfigured to establish a two-way protected bike lane on the east side of the street between Columbus Drive and Grand Street. The purpose of this project is to establish dedicated space for cyclists that is separated from motor vehicles. This will create a low-stress bike facility that will be comfortable to ride for new cyclists and prevent vehicles from blocking bike lanes. Both travel lanes will remain, parking will remain on both sides of the street, and multiple loading zones will be provided to facilitate safe and convenient loading for retail along the street. More information about the proposed type of bicycle facility can be found on the National Association of City Transportation Officials website.

Bergen Avenue Protected Bike Lanes: 
In an effort to advance the goals of the Vision Zero initiative and the Citywide Bike Master Plan, Bergen Avenue is being reconfigured to establish protected bike lanes between Journal Square and McGinley Square. The purpose of this project is to significantly reduce the number of traffic crashes on Bergen Avenue and establish a low-stress, dedicated space for cyclists that is separated from motor vehicles. The roadway will be re-striped to provide one lane of travel in each direction, with dedicated left turn lanes. Parking lanes on both sides of the street will be maintained. More information about the proposed type of bicycle facility can be found on the National Association of City Transportation Officials website. View the latest concept design here.

Grand Street  Protected Bike Lanes: In an effort to advance the goals of the Vision Zero initiative and the Citywide Bike Master Plan, Grand Street being reconfigured to establish two -way protected bike lanes on the south side of the street between Pacific Avenue and Monmouth Street, and one-way parking-protected bike lanes on both sides of the street between Monmouth Street and Grove Street.  East of Grove Street, Grand Street will have a west-bound only protected bike lane on the north side of the street, which will serve as a pair to the east-bound conventional bike lane on York Street. There will be protected intersections at Monmouth and Grove Streets to facilitate the transitions, and portions of the protected bike lanes will have a floating parking lane for additional protection.  The purpose of this project is to establish dedicated space for cyclists that is separated from motor vehicles. This project advances the recommendations of the Grand Street Study, by creating a low-stress bike facility that will be comfortable to ride for new cyclists and prevent vehicles from blocking bike lanes. The existing travel lanes will be reconfigured, the existing supply of on-street parking will remain, and the design will allow personal and emergency vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists to safely interact at intersections and driveways. View the latest design proposal here.

Washington Street Protected Bike Lanes: A road diet will be implemented along Washington Street between 2nd Street and 14th Street by removing one travel lane in each direction to be reallocated for protected bike lanes, which would provide cyclists a dedicated space to travel that is separated from motor vehicles. Road diets have been proven to provide safety benefits, which include reducing the number of vehicle-to-vehicle conflicts and vehicle speeds. In addition, pedestrian crossing distances would be shortened with the introduction of protected bike lanes. This project would add nearly 1.3 miles of protected bike lanes to the City’s bike network. 

Greene Street/Washington Street Protected Bike Lanes: Greene Street, between Montgomery Street and 2nd Street, and Washington Street, between 2nd Street and Columbus Drive, are being re-striped to establish protected bike lanes on both roadways. This project will connect the existing protected bike lanes on Montgomery Street and Washington Street, creating an approximately 1.75 mile network of continuous protected bike lanes connecting multiple neighborhoods and business districts. Right-of-way for the protected bike lanes is being created by reducing the roadways from three travel lanes to two travel lanes. As part of the project, approximately 20 new on-street parking spaces will be established. Additional safety aspects of the project include the installation of curb extensions, narrowed travel lanes, shortened crosswalk distances, and formalized loading areas.


Traffic Signal Timing Changes:  Intersections with high vehicle and pedestrian volume can be challenging for pedestrians.  We are analyzing key intersections to see where changing traffic signal timing may help make crossing safer for pedestrians without impeding vehicle flow.  One tool is creating a "Leading Pedestrian Interval", which allows pedestrians a head start of a few seconds to cross without any cars moving at all (all signals turn red at the same time).

Crossing Guards:  Intersections with high volumes of pedestrians and also those near schools are assigned additional personnel to assist with ensuring pedestrian safety while crossing busy streets.  View the list of intersections here.

Enhanced Parking Enforcement:  We are expanding parking enforcement throughout the city to ensure vehicles are not parking too close to intersections or blocking pedestrian and bike travel areas as these behaviors have significant negative impacts on emergency response times.  This includes overnight and weekend enforcement.  If you see an illegal parking issue, please call (201) 547-5538.

Traffic Safety Police Unit: The Department of Public Safety has established a traffic safety unit, focusing specifically on speeding and aggressive driving.  This unit has targeted JFK Boulevard from Bayonne to Union City and has issued 30-50 summonses each day since forming earlier in 2017.

Speed Humps: The city has installed hundreds of speed humps to help reduce vehicle speeds throughout Jersey City.   View the current map of speed humps here.

Newark Avenue Pedestrian Mall:
  We have successfully replaced a two-lane section of Newark Avenue from Grove Street to Jersey Avenue with a pedestrian-friendly public gathering space, blocks from the Grove Street PATH station downtown.  Click here for more information

Parklets: The City installed four temporary parklets in 2018 on streets around the City through a pilot program. Parklets are mini-parks built as an extension of the sidewalk to create more public space and enhance the pedestrian realm. We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on these installations. Please take our brief Parklet survey to share your feedback. 

NJTPA Local Safety Program:  The federally funded Local Safety Program supports the construction of quick-fix, high-impact safety improvements on local roadway facilities in the NJTPA region.  The NJTPA solicits candidate projects each year and Jersey City has successfully applied for projects on many roadways throughout the city.  Click here for more information.

Studies, Analyses, and Plans


Vision Zero Action Plan: The City released an action plan in February 2019 to help us achieve our goal of Zero traffic fatalities and severe injuries on City streets by the year 2026. The Action Plan includes a summary of traffic crashes in the City between 2006 and 2017, a map of the City's high-injury network (streets where a majority of crashes are concentrated), and a list of more than 70 specific actions the City can take over the next few years to achieve our Vision Zero goal. Read the Action Plan, view the Crash Map, and visit our Vision Zero JC website to learn more.

Bicycle Master Plan:
  The City is developing the first Bicycle Master Plan with Street Plans Collaborative, with the goal of of creating a city-wide bicycle network that expands upon the existing network and improves cycling safety, connectivity, and desirability on our streets. As a part of this study, we conducted public outreach through traditional meetings, group rides through every Ward, focus groups, and by building a pop-up protected bike lane! Keep up with study updates on Instagram and visit our Let's Ride JC website to learn more about the plan. 

Pedestrian Enhancement Plan:  The City launched a study with a consultant team to create a plan for improving the pedestrian experience. The plan identifies specific improvements for one corridor in each ward, and offers a method that can be applied to improve other streets beyond the timeline of this study. The study included Walkability Workshops, demonstration projects including pilot bumpouts and parklets, and a series of public meetings. The City has already started advancing the recommendations of this study. A photo log of the process is available on Instagram and the Final Report is available here.

Complete Streets Evaluation Checklist:
  In order to advance the city's "Complete Streets" policy approved in 2011, we are developing a checklist and evaluation process applicable to all roadway improvement projects that will assist in the design and planning of transportation projects for all road users.  View the policy here

Grand Street Study: We have hired an outside consultant to help us evaluate opportunities to improve pedestrian safety, traffic flow, and our bike lane connections between different neighborhoods along the Grand Street corridor.  We are currently seeking feedback from the community to better understand community needs in this area.  The outcomes of this study will be a list of options and projects for us to consider, along with the value and impact of each option. Visit our Grand Street Concept Development Page to learn more.

West Side Avenue Safety Improvements Project: The City received federal grant funding through the NJTPA Local Safety Program. The scope of the project is West Side Ave between Grant Ave to the south and Duncan Ave to the north. The project will incorporate FHWA proven safety countermeasures along the corridor, which are effective strategies in reducing roadway fatalities and serious injuries. This is in line with the City’s Vision Zero initiative – as this section of West Side Ave is identified one of the street segments with a high incidence of fatal and serious injury crashes on the City’s High Injury Network. The High Injury Network is a key tool for focusing the actions and strategies of the Vision Zero Action Plan.  Some of the safety countermeasures  to be employed include curb extensions, bus bulbs, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons, and installing backplates with reflective borders on existing traffic signals. View the presentation here.

Project Documents:
West Side Avenue PIC - Summary Meeting Minutes
- West Side Avenue PIC Presentation
- West Side Avenue Traffic Volume Summary
- West Side Avenue Crash Data
- Summary Bike Count Data

Montgomery Street Corridor: Montgomery Street is a busy thoroughfare for cars, bikes, pedestrians, and buses.  We are in the final stages of redesigning a portion of Montgomery Street to more safely and efficiently accommodate all road users.    View the latest design proposal here.  

Bergen Ave Road Safety Audit:  The City conducted a road safety audit along Bergen Avenue in December 2017 with NJTPA, NJDOT, external consultants and residents in order to identify key transportation issues and opportunities for improvement. A report of the findings was finalized in April 2018, containing design, engineering and policy solutions to increase safety and improve the street for all users. The final report is available here.

School Travel Plan:  The City is working with a consultant team to create a district-wide School Travel Plan. The goal of this plan is to increase and improve pedestrian and bicycle travel to and from schools. The plan will identify where students walk and bike now, what areas can be improved to encourage more walking and biking, and strategies to make those improvements in the short and long term.  Walk and bike assessments took place with the community in May and June 2018. For more information, visit the Safe Routes to School website. The final report is available here.

Parking Management Plan:  The City will be working with a consultant team to conduct a citywide parking study. The goal of this study is to catalog and optimize the existing parking supply, understand the community-specific parking demands, and identify the most innovative strategies to manage parking. The Parking Management Plan will inform zoning regulations on current and future development, help reduce traffic congestion generated by single-occupancy vehicles and align with the goals in the Circulation Element to limit land dedicated to parking uses near transit stations and encourage the use of public transit and active modes of transportation throughout the City.  If you want to receive regular updates on the study, please sign up here.  

Christopher Columbus Drive Redesign:  The City conducted a planning and design study in conjunction with NJDOT and a consultant team to address safety issues on Christopher Columbus Drive. and produce design alternatives that improve safety, comfort, and access for pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders along this corridor.  View the final report here. 

Marin Boulevard Safety Improvements Project: Marin Boulevard is a heavily trafficked, densley populated corridor through downtown Jersey City. The City was awarded a grant by the NJTPA to make safety improvements to Marin Boulevard between Montgomery Street and Sixth Street. The plan was presented at a public meeting on July 18. View the latest design proposal here. 

Current 2019 ETT Projects & 2008-2019 Resurfacing:
The Projects Map includes all resurfacing (solid lines) and street redesigns (dashed line).  NJDOT Municipal Aid FY2018 is both resurfacing and street redesign.


Did you know?

Complete Street provides enhanced protection and improved access for road users of all ages and across all transportation types.  While no singular design exists for a complete street, it generally includes features such as protected bike lanes, narrower intersections, and driving lanes, and more visible pedestrian crossings.  These design tools have no negative impact on vehicle flow and often improve traffic conditions and vehicle safety.

Protected Bike Lane or PBL is a portion of a street or sidewalk dedicated to bicycle use with a barrier between the bike lane and the vehicle travel lane.  The barrier can be a row of parked cars, plastic barrier posts (also known as delineators) planters, or even concrete walls.  Visit Lincoln Park on the west side of Jersey City to see an example.

Questions, Feedback, or Other Ideas?

If you have any questions about any of the above projects or have information or guidance that might help us, we would love to hear from you!  Please email [email protected]

If you see a traffic safety issue or hazard, please report it using SeeClickFix.