What is Vision Zero?

Today in Jersey City, there are an average of 300 crashes and 9 traffic fatalities each year. In response to these numbers, and a recent spike in traffic injuries and fatalities, Mayor Steven M. Fulop signed an executive order adopting “Vision Zero.” The order creates a task force of transportation officials, public safety officers, and members of the public, who will develop a Vision Zero Action Plan aimed at eliminating traffic-related death and serious injuries on Jersey City streets by 2026.

Vision Zero is an approach to transportation that makes protecting human life on roadways the highest priority. From its earliest origins in Sweden, the Vision Zero movement has been dedicated to the idea that crashes are not accidents – they can be prevented through better roadway design and safer behaviors among all road users.

In Jersey City, Vision Zero will focus on community outreach, and will seek out residents, neighborhood leaders, and community groups across the city for their input and expertise on traffic safety in their own communities. There is no single solution to solve traffic safety in Jersey City, and the Vision Zero Task Force is committed to seeking solutions from a diverse group of people representing all walks of life in our community.

The resulting Vision Zero Action plan will serve as a blueprint for reaching our traffic safety goals, and ensuring that safe, comfortable transportation on Jersey City streets is a right for everyone who moves to and through our community.

Read the Mayoral Press Release
Read the Executive Order

Vision Zero Action Plan

The Vision Zero Action Plan serves as a blueprint for reaching our traffic safety goals, and ensuring that safe, comfortable transportation on Jersey City streets is a right for everyone who moves to and through our community. The Action Plan was created through a 1-year process that included quarterly meetings of a stakeholder Task Force, 13 community events, and various online engagement activities.

The Action Plan was was unanimously adopted by Jersey City Municipal Council Resolution on February 14, 2019.  You can view the digital version here or download the print version here (double-sided format). The Action Plan was last revised February 15, 2019.

Vision Zero Annual Report

The Annual Report reflects the progress towards 77 specific actions set forth in the City's 2019 Vision Zero Action Plan.

Since 2019, 55 out of 77 actions outlined in the Vision Zero Action Plan were advanced or completed, representing progress towards 71% of the total number of Actions set forth in the Plan. While the Covid-19 pandemic slowed progress on certain initiatives, it also advanced a number of placemaking efforts citywide.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Vision Zero Jersey City?
    • Vision Zero JC aims to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries on Jersey City roadways by the year 2026.
  • Are traffic crashes really a big problem in Jersey City?
    • Yes. On average, 9 people are killed and 40 people are seriously injured as a result of traffic crashes every year, just in Jersey City alone. Thousands more are injured, including hundreds of pedestrians. Each of these incidents has a dramatic effect on members of our community.
  • What about distracted drivers, walkers, and cyclists, and people who don't follow the rules of the road? How can Vision Zero overcome that?
    • core principle of Vision Zero is recognizing that people driving, walking, and bicycling will make mistakes; on the road. Recognizing that these mistakes can be deadly, the City can implement strategic safety programs and design improvements to reduce the chance that these mistakes result in death or serious injury.
  • Is the goal "Zero traffic deaths and serious injuries" realistic?
    • It is an ambitious goal that we will work together to achieve. To reach it, Jersey City must will concentrate its efforts and dedicate existing resources to make improvements city-wide, and particularly along streets where there are high rates of injury. Vision Zero will make changes to our streets to make them safer for all users and help people of all ages and abilities feel more comfortable on our streets.
  • It seems like Vision Zero focuses on people walking and biking. Why?
    • First, Vision Zero prioritizes our most vulnerable road users. This includes children, the elderly, and disabled, who tend to be on foot or bikes. Also, the rate of death and serious injury is higher for a crash involving someone walking or biking, making them the most vulnerable when compared to other types of road users. Making our streets safer for those most vulnerable benefits everyone.
  • What will Vision Zero actually do to bring down traffic deaths?
    • Vision Zero will reduce traffic deaths and serious injuries by making safety improvements on our most dangerous streets, as well as focusing on education and enforcement that is proven to change dangerous behavior. Crashes will still occur, but we can reduce deaths and serious injuries by decreasing the amount of crashes and the severity of those that do occur.
  • How do you decided where to implement Vision Zero strategies?
    • Many roadway design improvements will occur over time across the city as we do regular road and sidewalk maintenance projects. We are currently gathering data to create a “High Injury Network”, which identifies the streets in Jersey City with the highest injury rates. High injury areas will receive priority for more extensive improvements.
  • Who is involved with creating and implementing Vision Zero strategies?
    • Vision Zero requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach to be successful. In order to get buy-in from the various agencies that are necessary to implement Vision Zero strategies, they are all participating in the creation of an action plan. The Vision Zero Task Force includes representatives from 10 city offices. 
    • Community organizations also play an important role in planning and implementation of Vision Zero. BikeJC and Safe Streets JC are both on the Vision Zero Task Force, and many more will be engaged as we seek community feedback.
    • Last, and most importantly - you! Your on-the-ground knowledge of Jersey City’s streets and stories about using them are vital to seeing the whole picture and making the case for Vision Zero. Get involved by attending events and participating in online opportunities to provide feedback.