Crime Decreasing in Jersey City with Increases in Manpower, Diversity, Specialized Training, Strategic Deployments, and more
To view the full 2023 Year in Review presentation, please visit here.
JERSEY CITY, NJ – Mayor Steven M. Fulop, US Attorney Philip Sellinger, Public Safety Director James Shea, and Police Director Tawana Moody joined top officials from the Jersey City Police and Fire Departments this morning to announce historic decreases in violent crime and other major crime categories for 2023. The Fulop Administration’s strategic public safety initiatives are resulting in significant strides in the fight against crime, including the following major milestones:
• With 10 homicides total this year, Jersey City maintains the lowest homicide rate among the top 100 biggest cities along the entire East Coast.
• 2023 marks the lowest homicide rate in Jersey City’s history, among other major crime decreases.
• For the first time, Jersey City is eclipsing NYC, Boston, Orlando, and all other top 100 cities east of Texas.
“This year, we had the lowest number of homicides Jersey City has ever seen since records have been kept. For the first time, Jersey City ranks lower than New York City for homicide rates. Additionally, the data shows we have the lowest homicide rate of the top 100 cities east of Texas. So, we’re making big progress, and we won’t stop until crime reaches zero,” Mayor Fulop said during today’s announcement.
“This year, we have seen record-breaking statistics in Jersey City. While every homicide and senseless shooting is tragic, these hard-earned reductions in homicides and shootings are the result of the collaboration of those who are up here today,” said US Attorney Philip Sellinger.
With our law enforcement partners, we have gathered intelligence for years that has helped us target those who have caused violence over the years.”
Crime is down in all of the following major categories in 2023 compared to last year:
- Homicides decreased from 12 in 2022 to 10 in 2023.
- Shootings are down from 52 to 47.
- Motor vehicle theft dropped from 738 to 629 since last year.
- Burglaries dropped from 828 last year to 725 this year.
- Robbery with a weapon went down from 138 to 117.
- Criminal mischief dropped slightly from 1,031 to 1,014.
- Larceny-theft decreased from 3,186 to 2,913.
In addition to working alongside community members, City officials also credit Jersey City’s close collaborations with the US Attorney’s Office and Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office for removing the most challenging and persistent problems from the community while effectively addressing homicides and violent crimes.
“We have 10 homicides, which is a historic low. Nine of the 10 homicides have been solved. The tenth just happened on Friday, and I anticipate that also being solved quickly,” added Director Shea. “We also have a pastor program now that works with victims of violence in all our communities and even the perpetrators’ families to work on providing help and guidance. At every violent incident, they are out there as fast as our emergency responders, and they’re in the hospitals.”
Mayor Fulop praised the efforts of the Jersey City Police Department and other public safety officials for their tireless work in keeping the city safe. He also acknowledged the importance of community partnerships in reducing crime. "We have worked closely with community leaders and residents to build trust and create a safer environment for all. We will be instituting a number of programs in the coming months, and so we expect crime to decrease even further in 2024.