Mayor Fulop Gives Oaths to Newest JCPD Officers, Over 90% Represent Minority Populations in Region’s Most Diverse City

JERSEY CITY – Mayor Steven M. Fulop, City Council Members, Public Safety Director James Shea, Police Director Tawana Moody, and Jersey City Police Officers welcomed 15 recruits who recently graduated from the police academy to join New Jersey’s largest municipal Police Department. Notably, 14 of the 15 newest JCPD members represent minority populations.
“With today’s class, we are marking an important milestone as nearly all of the newly sworn police officers are minorities representing Jersey City’s unparalleled diversity. In fact, 14 of the 15 new officers grew up in the very community that they swore to serve when they took today’s oath,” said Mayor Fulop. “To the new officers, you are joining the best police department anywhere. We are proud of our police officers and the work they do every day in Jersey City. Our officers serve honorably. They have made the City safer. They are an example for the rest of the state and this country of what a police department can be.”
Mayor Fulop prioritized public safety since the start of his administration, with a distinct focus on diversifying the department to better reflect the Jersey City community. As a result, since 2013, the Fulop Administration has hired a total of 777 police officers – nearly 75% of whom are minorities.
The newest JCPD recruits sworn in today include 10 Hispanic officers, 4 females, 1 Egyptian officer, and 1 of Guyanese descent.
“Our officers are out in the community every single day, and the fact that they look and sound like the residents they are helping is a win-win for everyone. As we’ve transformed the department over the past 10 years with greater diversity, we have seen incredible improvements, especially in terms of police/community relations,” added Director Shea.

To date, the Fulop Administration has hired more officers and made more promotions than any administration in decades. As a result, minority populations are now represented throughout all ranks department-wide.
All media inquiries should be directed to Kimberly Scalcione at
[email protected].