West Side Avenue Special Improvement District (WSASID)


The Jersey City Municipal Council is considering a West Side Avenue Special Improvement District (WSASID) to be approved by Municipal Ordinance. A Special Improvement District authorizes an additional tax assessment on commercial properties only in order to fund a variety of initiatives to improve the neighborhood, including but not limited to:

· Additional cleaning staff and supplies
· Marketing and promotions
· Local events to showcase the area and attract new people
· Planters, banners, and other additions and improvements to the streetscape
Map of Proposed Special Improvement District · Security

View the map to the right for proposed boundaries.

A public meeting and information sessions will be held on Thursday October 18th at 6:00PM and Monday October 22th at 9:00AM at the Hank Gallo Community Center (Lincoln Park) to discuss this proposal in more detail.

If supported by the local businesses, the Jersey City Municipal Council will hold a first reading of the ordinance designating the WSASID boundaries on Wednesday November 7th at 6:00PM, followed by a second reading of the ordinance and a public hearing where all interested persons will be invited to comment and provide feedback to the Council on
Tuesday November 20th at 6:00PM. Both Council meetings will occur in City Hall Council Chambers (280 Grove Street, 2nd Floor).

If you have any questions please contact the Ward B council person Mira Prinz-Arey at 201-547-5092 or via email at [email protected].