Offices and Units



Trial Team

A dedicated team of lawyers and professional staff handle our litigation of all criminal offenses, traffic infractions, and quality of life violations filed by over a dozen state and local enforcement agencies. Our courthouse recently surpassed others as the state’s highest-volume courthouse, and our municipal prosecutors and staff handle each case with integrity.

RRC Logo

Our work is community-driven. Resident are our eyes and ears. The Resident Response Center (RRC) is our "one-stop" shop for our community. Residents call RRC staff to report issues or get questions answered. The RRC staff works hard to keep our community heard, informed, and engaged. 


Office of Code Compliance

The Office of Code Compliance (OCC) is responsible for the enforcement of Jersey City's local ordinances and codes. Comprised of inspectors and staff, the office oversees the inspections of resident, commercial, and open-space properties, and oversees other matters related to compliance with the laws that protect our quality of life. 

The OCC's operations are community-driven and guided by a progressive approach of “education before enforcement” to proactively encourage compliance rather than reactively respond to violators. Inspectors lead with conversation and education, while court summonses and prosecution are our last resort. 


QOL Taskforce

Quality of Life Taskforce

Mayor Fulop's Quality of Life Taskforce was formed in April 2019 to target the city's worst quality of life offenders. The Taskforce is lead by Prosecutor Hudnut and is comprised seven code enforcement offices, four police units, and many other stakeholders that concentrate their efforts against the worst quality-of-life offenders. To date, the Taskforce has successfully prosecuted absentee landlords, local polluters, negligent businesses, and other public nuisances.

Serve JC Logo

Serve Jersey City 

Jersey City is a member of Cities of Service, a coalition of mayors who commit to address local issues through impact volunteerism. Jersey City residents have the potential to contribute to their communities by engaging in service opportunities. The city launched the Serve Jersey City website in order to connect residents to volunteer opportunities.The website is the one-stop-shop for any and all who want to get involved in community service in Jersey City. 


JCPD Quality of Life Unit

The JCPD Quality of Life Unit was created in 2019 to address quality of life violations that negatively impact our City through cross departmental coordination and cooperation. The unit is a progressive, problem-solving, community-driven operation that is responsive to the Prosecutor. The officers are the unit are tasked with identifying and negligent property owners, absentee landlords, commercial bad actors, public nuisance bars, and other disorder. The Quality of Life Unit is committed to maintaining a safe, clean community for all of out City's residents.



ABC Unit Prosecutions

The Office of the Municipal Prosecutor also prosecutes violations filed against bars and other liquor license holders before the ABC Board of Commissioners. The Jersey City Police Department’s ABC Unit is responsible for investigating and issuing violations prior to our involvement. The shared mission of the ABC Unit and the prosecutor is to eliminate the disorder and public nuisance associated with problematic alcoholic beverage establishments. ABC violations have damaging effects on the quality of life for Jersey City residents.